Monday, December 30, 2019


Flame to wick, flame to wick,
from hand to hand
until the circle in the church
was a flickering ring,

a delicate thing,
and we began to softly sing
silent night, holy night.

And half a world away
in manger square
the pilgrims cradled
their candles and rejoiced.

In other homes that night
the candles in menorahs
were lit and songs
were sung as well.

I've lit yellow candles
in buddha caves and temples
to honor that other man
of peace and wisdom.

This is what candles are for,
birthday parties, romantic dinners,
worshipful ceremony, and maybe
the occasional power outage.

But have we not seen
enough candles, flowers
and teddy bears
on sidewalks?

If wishes are granted
when we blow them out,
my wishes now will always be:

No more cold wax congealed
beside wilted blooms
and smiling snapshots
marooned on sidewalks.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


thirty-six by twenty-nine
three windows, gold curtains
four doors, one fireplace
two brocade-upholstered sofas
faux Louis XIV chairs
one coffee table
grandfather clock
desk telephone
six flags

oval rug with sunburst center
and presidential seal
large thousand-pound oak desk
made from a failed Arctic expedition
small Remington bronze
portrait and equestrian statue
of the Indian killer, Jackson
letter from Nixon
custom black Sharpie markers
zero scruples or compassion

Friday, December 13, 2019

The gutter

I heard the gutter roar,
the torrent in the street
rushing to join
the ever swelling sea.

And the arenas thrilled
when the smirking fake
spilled and spewed his hate
was echoed in the halls of state.

So now I must give a measure
of grudging thanks
that the mask is dropped,
their leering lust made plain.

Before I closed my eyes
to sleep last night,
I let the pages of my Bible
open to where they would

And read the psalmist’s plea:
Lord, how long shall the wicked,
How long shall the wicked triumph?
How long shall they utter and speak hard things?

And all the workers of iniquity
boast themselves?
They break in pieces your people,
and afflict your heritage.

They slay the widow and the stranger
and murder the fatherless.
Yet they say the Lord shall not see,
neither shall the God of Jacob regard it.

Understand you brutish among the people,
and you fools, when will you be wise?
He that planted the ear, shall he not hear?
He that formed the eye, shall he not see?

The gutter still roars this morning,
this dark season has not ceased,
The fever in this diseased republic
has yet to break and the question hangs

like the fog clinging to the mountain.
How long shall the wicked triumph?
Will the throne of iniquity have fellowship
with You and frame mischief by a law?