Thursday, July 29, 2021

Fort Sill Enlisted Men's Club

She’s a slender waif from town.
Dancing in a long distance trance 
on a three by three foot go-go platform
eight feet above the heads of trainee soldiers
downing pitchers of weak Oklahoma beer.

Black bikini bottom -no top,

not that she has much to show.

Her gaze is fixed on some distant shore

or perhaps the daytime show she watched

that afternoon while ironing.

The men below shout and plead,

urge her to show them everything.

She looks up at the smoke-stained ceiling,

giving no sign of what she’s feeling.

The jukebox swells and the men sing along:

“Seems to me, you don’t want to talk about it.

Seems to me, you just turn your pretty head

and walk away.”

Someone brings another pitcher to the table,

tops off the mugs of piss-pale beer. 

The boys raise them towards the dancer,

on the platform high above them and cheer.

Closing time at the club comes early

and the boys stagger along the icy streets

to the barracks, in claques of threes and fours,

bragging about all the girls they’ve laid back home

and smirking about the dancer’s itty bitty tits.

In the morning, they’ll be jogging over

the dead yellow December turf, practicing for battle;

the cannon cockers destined for Vietnam

and the missile men bound for Germany.

The dancer slips into her apartment

and puts her Jackson in the Folger’s can

on top of the wheezing refrigerator.

Goes quietly into the bedroom

and kisses her sleeping daughter’s

meadow-sweet scented hair.

Friday, July 2, 2021


Wilson and Saylor,

a couple of farmboys

from the heartland,

hunch over a game

of chess set up

on a makeshift table;

- a footlocker

draped with a woolen

army blanket dotted

with cigarette burns

and the congealed wax

of many midnight candles.

Wilson moves a pawn

to queen four.

Saylor takes a swig

of Dr Pepper,

takes the pawn

with his bishop.

Wilson grunts and

swipes the bishop

with his knight.

Lizard sits up

from the bunk

where he’s been

relishing the rush

from the crystal

he shot up

five minutes ago.

Says, I got next game.

Saylor says, sure.

Why don’t you fix up

a bowl of that Afghani black

if you haven’t smoked it all up

already. Soon as I smoke

Wilson in this game.

You wish! Check!

Hey Lizard, you got

any Winstons? 

Nah, man, all I got

is Kools. Hash tastes

better with Kools.

Ok, gimme a Kool.

Where’s that bowl.

Your move, Saylor,

I said check.

Lizard breaks off

a chunk of hash,

spears it on a straightened

safety pin, roasts it carefully

with his Zippo.

squeezes out some shreds

of tobacco from a Kool

and mixes it with the hash.

C’mon Saylor, you ain’t

gettin’ any til

you make a move, man.

Saylor squints at the board,

moves his remaining bishop.

Wilson takes it with his queen.


Hey Lizard, you’re up.

Nah, I changed my mind.

What about you, Chambers?

You wanna play?

No thanks, I’m going to

keep on reading.

What’s the book? Any good?

Yeah, “The Unnamable”,

but pass that bowl.

Saylor says, well
I’ll play another.