Friday, March 7, 2025

what sparkles on moonless nights?

Round and round

the mulberry bush

the monkey chased

the weasel… Is the bush

the same as the tree?

Like the ones they planted

across the street from

751 Appleberry Drive

where the only time

I saw my mother cry

one night, sitting against

the trunk of a mulberry tree.

They grow really fast

which explains why they

were planted next to the walkway.

To me, they were trash trees,

if you tried to climb them

the branches broke off,

even the the thick ones.

I found out later they have

the leaves that silk caterpillars eat.

And that redeemed them.

I like silk. I have some made

from their lives and efforts.I have

eaten the caterpillars after

they were steamed out the 

cocoons from which

silk thread is spun.

They taste like potatoes.

I don’t knoow why Mom

left the house that night,

except that it had something

to do with Dad. She wouldn’t say.

Just told me that she was okay,

go back home. I didn’t go home,

I went out into the dark schoolyard

and looked up at the stars.

I could see a lot more of them

away from the streetlights

and houselights. Starlight

and the black silhouettes

of oaks, bay laurels, and madrones

the kind of trees whose branches

don’t break when you climb them.