in the land of no regrets, with lots of cherry pie,
where the angels never cry or fall,
beyond the reach of telescopes,
it only takes an eye to see
beneath the scars and skin,
the burns and sins, to the fringe
of experience, savored or not,
flavored like oranges or reeking of steel.
i was swimming, one moonless light
and the air felt the same as the water,
tiny fishes nibbling on my toes.
the vast scent of the world
filled me from nose to spine to testicles
all the names of her i've known or wanted to,
tumbled and worn, a fabric relaxed
to a softness unknown by days at a desk
or nights on a stool grinning at strangers
and hoping by closing that i'd pass the test,
win a ticket to morning and yawning at dawn,
pressing lips to the shoulder of the beauty i'd met.
it's a place i've never visited outside this head
played out on the back of my eyelids in a solitary bed
while crossing the border into the territory of dreams
beyond the reach of telescopes
in the land of no regrets, with lots of cherry pie,
where the angels never cry or fall
and the words spill like drops of water
from a beard of moss below a spring
glistening, cold and sweet, to cling
for a moment to the fossilized skull
of a mastodon, where a century has carved
a tiny basin, brimming, clear, and doomed
to measure out the physics of force and time
drop by sparkling drop, the rock-paper-scissors game
from which nothing material ever escapes.
it's the ethereal which lasts,
immune to the daily mundane,
the tasks and trivial pass,
like pollen dusted on a stream.
this dream persists in a place
i've never been, but felt sometimes,
for a moment of imperfect bliss.
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