Wednesday, January 15, 2014

at the rancho ninety nine motel

there was a warning
written on a paperplate:
beware! rattlesnake seen
on frontage road sixty eight.

it was underneath
the cracked naugahyde
seat cushions of a couch
left on the curb outside
the rancho ninety-nine motel.

the big snake was coiled up
on the dimes and nickels
left behind by sam,
the regional sales rep
for mega-bio-petro-
pharma-globa-ceuticals, inc.

the coins fell out of his pockets
while he was sleeping off
his greasy evening freaking
with tammi, a local gun dealer's 
meth-addicted wife, who
traded tricks for drugs

as soon as he was
snoozing and snoring,
tammi snickered
-so long sam, you slug,
and smothered him
with a motel towel
drenched in the ether
she had scored the night before
and stole his black corvette.

they didn't find him for a week.
couldn't erase the reek,
even with a quart of
babyformula/artificial sweetener.

so the couch was hauled out
to the curb. where it attracted
a family of mice. quite a snack,
for a big fat western diamondback.

the six-foot rattler bit
the county health inspector
when he stopped by the motel
to pick up his monthly bite.
not exactly the kind
he had in mind.

so mister grayson grayman,
rancho ninety-nine motel manager,
quickly penned a sign on a paper plate
from the breakfast lounge
and frisbeed it onto the couch.

the rattlesnake was gone by then,
had slithered up the street
to digest the dozen mice he'd eaten
and found a cozy spot under the seat

of a black corvette previously owned
by a certain regional sales rep,
recently deceased.

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