Monday, September 29, 2014

description of a semi automatic dream generating contraption

There are two mechanical
typewriters bolted to a table.
with forty seven pairs of wires,
each pair connected to a key.

An execution requires
two passwords typed
in perfect synchrony
to close the circuit,

which sets in motion
a blissed out hippy chick
in a tie dyed camisole
twirling on a ten foot
plastic wedding cake.

Batman hoots and whistles:
hey baby, take it off and shake it,
show us what you got.
She reaches under her skirt,
pulls out a tambourine and shakes it.

Batman laughs and chugs
the rest of his Bud Light.

At the foot of Market Street,
martini-guzzling grizzly bears
dance on schooners
abandoned in the mud.
Black-haired children sell oysters
and strips of venison. speckled eggs.

A team of chestnut horses tow
a gutted cadillac coupe de ville
with a rope of braided bed sheets
and patriotic bunting.

A troupe of monkeys riding dogs
follows close behind. Their queen,
a former governor, blows a red kiss
to the plaid flannel-shirted crowd.

A baby in a bamboo stroller
giggles and points a pudgy finger
at the jalopies, horses, and army trucks
festooned with candy characters
fresh from the evening news.

1 comment:

  1. Mark - I love your writing - and this one especially!!!
