The words were so damn thin
red ballpoint ink that blobbed
where she had hesitated.
I’m so sorry, i tried,
but it's not getting better
I just can't..... I fed the cat
the dishes are clean
I’m so sorry.
The car was gone
but not her suitcase.
My guts threatened
to hit the floor.
The woman who answered
my nine one one call
asked where she might go.
The bridge, I said. check the bridge.
But i was wrong.
She'd sought a gentler height
in fact no height at all,
no cliff from which to fall.
Out on the sandy spit
at the end of the road.
A mistaken destination
where the edge of the world
is flat and sandy, and the sea
disappears from the beach
as it reaches towards
the curve of infinity
and the distant shore
of the land of the rising sun.
The officer who came
to the house, stood there
at the counter, while the cat
hid under the couch.
A message crackled
in his earpiece
then he said,it's ok
she's on her way home.
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