he really
shouldn't be here
at all.
sprawled across
the weary corporate
in this room
with a curtained view
of the off-site
airport parking lot.
thumbing through the gideon
while the escort girl
he'd called
worked her
rental dental best
to get him off
in five minutes
or less.
she'd write it up
as room service,
so he could put the charge
on his american express.
along with the frozen snickers,
chips and gin from the minibar.
after she left at three,
he clicked on the tv
and found the half-hour pitch
he'd done the day before
preaching the gospel
of prosperity.
sow your seed, he plead,
and you'll receive
divine rewards in multifold
(and incidentally
keep your humble servant
well-supplied with head)
Mark - WHOOH....