Thursday, April 27, 2017


There was tv show called Eden
conceived with the popular formula
of the reality survivor trope.

Plop a couple dozen citizens
into a wild Scottish peninsula
insulate them from the modern world,

record their interactions,
see how they would cope,
a human petri dish

under a hi-def microscope.
Some Eves and Adams,
a fisherman and a nurse,

perhaps they'd find out
if their Abel would be able
to escape Cain's curse.

All went well enough it seems
in midsummer's mild clime,
four episodes were seen.

Then something happened
some of the intrepid participants
began to disappear, the core

was whittled to a few
and it was rumored that
some were smuggling liquor

into their isolated and hoped for
pristine midst, uncorrupted nor
distracted by the kingdom's

brewing discontent.
The camera's kept recording,
but no segments made the air,

the remaining adventurers
continued the experiment.
perhaps in ignorance,

but I wonder if
along with the contraband,
the smugglers also trafficked

in the news and decided
they would rather tolerate
the midges and mosquitos,

the jealousies and slights
within their manufactured tribe
than the world outside

accessible with a click.

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