Friday, January 24, 2020

Dear Jesus

I know I’m a latecomer to the conversation.
Centuries, millenniums? So I hope you’re listening,
But I’m sure you are. In between the pleas for respite
from chemo treatments or hitting this week’s lotto.

Why did you have to die?
I thought it was always said
that it was to atone for our sins.
But now I see that it's more complicated,
There are various theories
of what your atonement was for.
Very formalized doctrines:
The Moral Influence theory, the Ransom theory, 
the Christus Victor theory, Satisfaction theory,
Penal Substitution theory, Governmental theory,
Scapegoat theory. Which ones are right
or wrong or is there some synthesis of all?

Some of of these are premised
on some kind of transaction.
God paying a debt to Satan.
for Adam and Eve’s transgression.
Or that it our debt to restore
God's justice for our own injustice
and Your sacrifice was to restore that balance.
Or to propitiate God's wrath.

Much as we might deserve it,
I don’t believe in God’s wrath.
We don’t require that, we are more
than capable of inflicting that on ourselves.
And have. It’s called history.
Seems to me that Satan
is quite likely our own creation.

God is Love. I like the sound of that,
Truly it does restore my soul.
And the proof of Your love is that
we're still here, with all our failures
and ephemeral triumphs.
And now with the means
to destroy ourselves;
quickly in a nuclear storm,
or slowly, as planetary cannibals.
That's the Devil we've created.
We can see him in any mirror.

And yet, babies still smile
until the cruelties of circumstance
or society erase the exuberance
of their new lives. And even then,
sometimes they persevere.
I see the presence of Your love
in their eyes.

Ok, I’m sure You’ve heard all this before,
probably raised an eyebrow or exchanged
an eye roll with the Buddha, Krishna,
and the Prophet.
What does Groucho say to Karl?
You bet your life?

So here’s what it seems to me
and I could be totally mistaken,
The cross is where X marks the spot.
Where the treasure is buried.
The crossroads between all
that came before and all
that has come after.

That sin must be expiated, sure.
By each of us as you did.
It is not a debt to God for some transaction 
In the cosmic market, it is the debt
owed to the fact of our existence.
The universe took almost fourteen billion years
for consciousness of itself to emerge.
I can only conclude that You
are incredibly patient. So I beg of You
to bear with us a bit longer,
we may get there yet. 

Yes, I know You died for all this,
and had that moment of agony
when even You asked
if You had been forsaken.
But You weren’t, were You?
And neither are we, by You.
I know this from the gifts
You have given me
after all that this life has taken.
Maybe I have answered
my own question, You died for love
so that it would be everlasting.
Is it that simple, or as complicated
as those various theories?
If You wish to tell me more,
send it to the usual address:
my heart

Thank you.

Your faithful servant,

1 comment:

  1. This letter is wonderful writing, as in it causes me to wonder at my understanding of God's plan.
