To shed this flesh
like pudding spilling from a bowl,
become a bone jumbled frame
that folds neatly into a box.
A dark unpierced
by scraping hands,
finding the peace
of walls inside walls
-an onion adding layers
or is that a pearl?
A scar of gristle
shrouding the shrapnel
of old nights tunneling
to the cracked and bleeding surface?
And a scream pleads,
unheard outside these walls
in the leafy streets
where I felt the sun on my cheek
and a breeze on my back
and the squeak
of my rubber-soled shoes
was loud.
And the taste
of this morning’s coffee
and last night’s cigarettes
is a metallic trace
that only fades away
with sleep.
Is the plan, the purpose
the same? a reach
that clutches air?
Does it matter
in the long run, short run,
it’s all running
of one kind or another.
Just the sweep of the second hand
or planets spinning through the void
and isn’t the truth to be found
in the pause between the breaths
when the motion, the swing,
the pendulum stops?
I. don’t. know.
So I take my hands
away from my eyes
and it’s still a morning in July
and the datura outside my door
smells sweet and the mockingbirds
are singing and I hear a faint voice
on a distant television;
a carefully structured voice
created in a studio
to calm and cheer or horrify,
depending on what’s needed
for the moment or the day.
Better do some laundry,
do some thinking,
do some not thinking
find someplace inside this body
without this body,
a kernel, a cocoon,
a tearless, cheerless peace,
a dissolving, clockless sleep.
If that were true,
I wouldn’t need to write it,
try to conjure that landscape
uninhabited by memory, dreams,
sweetness and pain.
Incredible/beautiful/painful - all of those in one perfect song.