at the academy of science museum
recently, we saw poison arrow frogs.
about the size of an M&M
with a peanut. same colors too.
acid blue, electric orange, warn us:
don’t eat me, you’ll be sorry.
there used to be yellow-legged frogs
in the creek across the road.
tree frogs in the pastures
of the dairy on the other side
of the old road. Where
Roseanne Olivera lived.
We caught frogs together.
Just to look at for a spell.
Roseanne didn’t kiss ‘em
although she had a froggy voice.
I wanted her to kiss me,
but I was too shy to ask.
Frog and salamander populations
are dwindling. All around the world.
Some may be gone forever
some already are.
I want to hike up to the pond
on Mt Burdell where the tree frogs mate.
Hundreds, maybe thousands
singing. all at once. a chorus.
They were still there the last time
I hiked up there, I pray that they
will be there again, when the rains
fill the pond and flood the grass.