Friday, July 8, 2022

At the Harmony Cafe

-What the hell is crab doing

out here in the semi desert?

-Kind of a mystery, isn't it?

-uh, yeah!

I thought Harmony

was totally self sustaining.

-We are. Depends on

what you mean by total.

Or self sustaining. We

aren’t dependent

on the larger economy

but we do enjoy coffee,

tea, and crab in season.

Right. So do you buy or trade?

-Both. Depends on the product.

We have relationships

with communities that

share our values of

stewardship of the planet,

personal responsibility,

and a dedication to having

as much fun and crab cakes

as the Creator provides.

-The Creator?

-Yes. There are a few different

notions of what that means

among us, but we all share

a reverence for Creation,

whatever agent or agency

has meaning for each of us.

-So what are you, Red,

if you don’t mind my asking?

-I was brought up in the

7th Day Adventist church

as were many of us here

in Harmony. As you might

infer from our farming techniques.

But when I lived in the city,

I went to a lot of different

churches, temples, mosques.

I suppose you could call me

something of a Judeo-Christian mutt.

With Buddhist seasonings

and Sufi sauce. What about you?

-oh, I don’t know, I wasn’t

brought up as anything.

Sometimes I wish I was,

you know, to share with

a community. Belong to

something more than

being a fan of a favorite

sports team. I guess.

-Well you could have plenty

to choose from here. Or

make your own blend.

A lot of us participate

in multiple rituals and

celebrations. But in the

meantime, try the crabcakes

or the spinach omelet.

You won’t be disappointed.

-I guess I’ll try the crab.

But tell me this, what’s

with all the white coveralls

and straw hats? Is that some

kind of cult thing?

-Yeah, you caught us!

It’s the cult of keeping protected

while working in this environment

with a summer climate not much cooler

than the outskirts of hell.

Whatever anyone’s spiritual practice is,

-we’re practical as well.

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