Cry, cry, cry, keens
the Red-shouldered hawk
as she lands on the cross bar
of the utility pole on the corner
with a small snake dangling
from her talons. She tears
off delicate bites.
The language of hawks
seems to be universal;
we heard the same cries
in the Jardin du Luxembourg.
There were no actual hawks present,
it was a recording triggered by pigeons
landing on a monument honoring
Senator Auguste Scheurer-Kestner,
defender of Captain Dreyfus.
He stood and shouted in the Senate,
“The truth always wins in the end.”
But in the meantime, the very mean time,
the Jew-haters rioted in the streets and
Dreyfus spent five years on Devil’s Island
before his sentence was annulled.
And Auguste Scheurer-Kestner
was dying from throat cancer
but he followed the news of the case,
L’affair Dreyfus, from his sick room
until the day that the pardon
of Captain Dreyfus was signed.
Then he died.
Truth, truth, truth, cried the hawk
and the pigeons flew off the statue.
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