Thursday, March 21, 2024

Night songs

 The mockingbird

across the street

paused his rendition

of a Pontiac car alarm.

The midsummer asphalt

under my bare feet

still held the warmth

of afternoon.

I blew a smoke ring

at the moon.

The mockingbird

resumed his pitch

hoping to impress

a ladybird. This time

he did a barking

Chihuahua and

something inspired

by church bells.

The coyote pack

up the hill replied

with yips and yaps.

I waited eagerly,

hoping to hear one of their

famous lunar songs.

Whatever it was

that they discussed

was soon settled

as the gibbous moon set

I finished my smoke

and went back to my room

maybe cool enough

now to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Mark, as always, BEAUTIFUL!!! I always love your writing...Judyets
