bordering the roads.
Southwest Virginia jungle?
Red brick with white trim
buildings, neoclassic style
set on well-mown lawns.
No signs needed to
identify this place
as a college campus.
All the books in the bookstore
seem to be arranged
by the color of the spines.
Red shelf, black shelf,
white shelf. Mystery rubs up
next to history which cuddles
up with theology and travel
guides. There might be poetry
somewhere, I didn’t
see any but the volumes
are usually much slimmer
than thick biographies.
Perhaps this reflects
human knowledge
more accurately than
alphabetical by subject,
field, and author. Nearby:
a shelf of red and white
Campbell’s soup cans. And ramen.
I saw a female cardinal, and
a wisteria in full purple bloom.
One slave cabin remains.
This was once a plantation
before it became a college
Where women lead.
A place of reconciliation,
beds of iris, Virginia woods.
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