Thursday, February 27, 2025


The sun fades over

the horizon.

About the same

as when T. rex

looked up

from whatever 

she was eating.


Might be

a few minutes

plus or minus

in the planet’s spin

from dawn til dusk.

Does that comfort you?

It does for me.

That’s the moment

for cocktail hour!

Have a Martini or a Mojito,

Manhattan or a Margarita.

Iced Tea or just

a sparkling water

with a slice of lime.

We’re still here.

For another day at least

and the question

as always is…

what are you gonna

do about tomorrow?

I think God got bored

waiting for T. rex

to figure out something

beyond how to get

a few hundred pounds

of meat in her belly.

And eventually

we came along.

with our slings and arrows,

our violins. Bronze.

Ferraris. Feather pillows,

Birthday cakes.

Prayers and kisses.


Goodnight sun,

see you  tomorrow.


  1. yes, that ws yesterday and anon sleep shall shut my eyes and, as Homer oft said, the rosy finger o dawn will re-light the morrow.

    1. Ah yes, the rosy finger of dawn. I am always awake before sunrise and the east facing windows of our house provide a view of the east bay ridgeline. If it's clear enough, I can see Mt Diablo

    2. Ah yes, the rosy finger of dawn. I am always awake before sunrise and the east facing windows of our house provide a view of the east bay ridgeline. If it's clear enough, I can see Mt Diablo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
