Tuesday, May 21, 2013

forbidden fruit

forbidden fruit

this is all hypothetical, of course
i'm not admitting anything
it's strictly off the record, ok?
alright. so.
i've gotta tell ya,
shooting belt fed machine guns
and grenade launchers is really fun. i mean it.
blasting at the rusty carcasses of old cars?
i don't how to explain it......it's just somehow deeply satisfying
even ordinary demolition can be exhilarating,
like when i was thirteen, some family friends
asked my dad, my brothers and me
to deconstruct the sun room
of their big old house in san rafael
so we were smashing windows and timbers
with sledge hammers and crowbars,
there was glass and splinters flying everywhere
and even when the dust got in our throats
and sweat ran down into our eyes
it was hardly a distraction once the endorphins started flowing

another thing that's really bad but fun is this:
you gotta promise not to kill me, ok?
driving while intoxicated can be fantastic.
you get this illusion of power and skill and invincibility
totally dangerous and irresponsible
of course, but popular. fatally popular.
maybe we need designated drunken driving areas
off the public roads, at your own risk, etc .etc.
don't quote me on this, i'll deny it.

what else? well.......
heroin makes you feel incredibly ecstatic
and i believe the euphoria is more dangerous
than the risk of over dose because
you can never get enough of that golden molten feeling
it becomes more important than friends or family
or any social responsibility
i think it should be available by prescription
in heroin hotels, with comfortable lounges
and your choice of music and lighting
at an affordable price

adultery can be a thrill
a spicy back seat blow job on a darkened dead end street
or a glorious fuck on a hilltop under a high noon sun.
get some grass stained knees and elbows
the foxtails in her hair were not a care
as we lay panting afterwards
cooling in the breeze..........
ok, technically i had permission
an open marriage? yeah, yeah, i know
but there was still that element of transgression that somehow
made it more intense, you know what i mean?
no? you never tried it? want to?
ok, nevermind, nevermind.
this is all hypothetical, of course and strictly confidential.

besides, it's not widely known or talked about,
but in the bible, only sex with a married woman
or daughters in their father's household
was considered adultery
because women were the property
of their fathers and husbands
you see, so it was considered theft.
and the men were seen as thieves.
and the women as the sinners.
a woman is always the temptress....... crazy, huh?
but that's all outmoded of course
in our enlightened and egalitarian times.
because nobody owns us anymore, do they?
and you know, if we are each the sole owners of our bodies,
shouldn't we have the right to sell them?
or rent them would be more accurate i suppose.
i mean if recreational drugs were
cheap and legal and so was sex for money,
what profit would there be in trafficking?
no one would need to rent their bodies
in order to pay the high price of illegal drugs,
just the mortgage and their kids orthodontist bills
the neighbor next door doing tricks
would be just as respectable
as your physical therapist,
you disagree? no?
well good. but don't forget, this is off the record. 

of course, there are less controversial forbidden pleasures,
politically incorrect, but not as likely
to result in scandal.
examples? oh a lot of food taboos,
like.....milk-fed veal? it's delicious
especially veal parmigiana
or schnitzel, and anyway
all these politically correct dietary prejudices
and their self righteous
proponents are so annoying.....
no i'm not feeling guilty, i eat free range
and organic whenever i can get it.
i don't think i'll ever try dog meat though.
or horses.
you can put that in the record:
he does not eat dogs or horses.

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