Wednesday, May 22, 2013


the man whose hands
were dressed in feathered gloves
missing the fingers and threaded
through with plastic spoons and
ballpoint pens and twigs and
bits of wire is vanished
from the plaza
two days ago
his cart was there
filled with discarded
things unredeemable
things that no one would
even notice, fast food styrofoam
a torn teddy bear, a willow branch
and a multitude of plastic shopping bags
tucked under a plaid blanket in the stolen
shopping cart, the rest of his meager collection
of orphaned shoes, empty milk jugs, strands of twine
and standing beside it talking on a mobile phone
a city cop, does he know something? was there
some tragedy just before i walked by and now
there is no trace but a tramp's treasured litter?
i'd see him at dawn, sitting talking quietly
and smoking cigarettes rolled in scraps
of newspaper held carefully in his
feathered bristling hands and
seeing texas or manhattan
or a wife a farm a favorite
bar or tree, i don't know
except that it was his
and now he's gone

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