Friday, March 7, 2014

jimmie's rolling wreck

remember that time that jimmie so and so
quaffed his favorite quart of ale and he
and his old lady, suzie, split four doses of seconal?

and painted up his nova with a couple gallons
of flat black house paint? then he and suzie
scratched their names and various misspelled jibes
through the resulting coat with nails they swiped
when they copped the paint from suzie's dad's
hardware store. it looked like a psycho's blackboard.

i think it died out on the coast road, so they started
dropping boulders on the roof until they got too tired
and passed out in the back seat. must have jarred
whatever was wrong with it because when they
woke up in the morning it started up just fine.
(although not without a whine)

that rolling wreck was legendary.

don't know how many babies were conceived
on the busted springs of that back seat. suzie and
janelle got knocked up for sure from what i heard.
though neither of them went to term.

i thought suzie would end up on the street, but she
moved up to portland and got her shit together,
started flipping houses. now she's got a dozen
apartment buildings, a strip mall, and a bar.

i heard all this from jimmie, he was up there in june.
said suzie gave him fifty bucks on account of their history
but wouldn't let him fuck her. not even for old times sake,
so he came back down here on the bus.

i ran into him out in front of st vincent's dining hall.
he doesn't look real good. i asked him whatever
happened to that old nova and he said that one night
after he and suzie broke up, he pushed it off a cliff.

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