she has a tattoo
of a wind up key
on the small of her back,
just above the elastic
of her panties.
so she never wears
a deep backless gown
to the symphony.
or a bikini anywhere
but in the privacy
of her own backyard
infinity edgeless pool.
where the arborist,
there to assess and tend
her maples, his eyes fixed
on the pictured key
is now curious to see
what would happen
if he were to give it
an experimental twist.
the message in his eyes,
his saucy question,
she reads with no need
for translation and answers
with one raised eyebrow
and a touch of tongue tip
to her lips.
she slowly turns her back
to him and waits, with a
slight twitch of her hips
until he places his hand
on the tattoo and looses
the strings of her bikini.
it flutters down and
catches on her ankle.
she nabs it with her
nimble toes and flicks it
onto a budding daffodil,
then presses her naked ass,
still cool from the pool,
against the warmth of
his maple scented hand.
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