Hundreds of them.
no. thousands.
every ten feet or so.
Ants erupting
from the gap between
the sidewalk and the curb
on Avenue B.
A mass evacuation,
some alert passed
from nest to nest?
mobilized for battle
or immanent disaster?
The little black ones
that mom and her sisters
called sugar ants.
Maybe because
how if you left out
anything sweet,
a couple bites of berry pie
on the counter.
or missed some spilled
RC Cola on the floor,
in the morning it would be
crawling with a crew of ants
hauling bits in a long caravan
to some crevice
under the cupboard
or the stove.
sugar ants sure don't
smell sweet when you
rub them off your arm.
they smell like some
kind of bitter mineral.
I can bring it to mind
right now.
if you had an invasion
in the the house
it was a pestilence.
but Uncle Milton's Ant Farms
sold millions as a novelty.
You bought the slim
clear plastic case
with the silhouettes
of a barn and a silo
farm animals,
some sand to fill it
and a certificate to
mail to Uncle Milton
to get your ants.
Put them in the farm
and watch them build
their tunnels. Feed them
sugar water and tiny bits
of fruit. A few weeks or
months later they all died.
It's only natural, the lifespan
of harvester ants is brief.
Then the farm sat on a shelf
gathering dust unless you
were as fascinated by ants
as Edmund O. Wilson.
There were other kinds
of ants on grandpa's farm
down in the San Joaquin Valley.
The little red ones.
The ones who bite.
The ones who swarmed your feet
if you weren't careful
playing out in the melon field
or the barnyard.
I heard about a new kind of ant problem
down along the Gulf Coast
a species that is attracted to
electronic equipment.
Like transformers. Air conditioners.
Televisions. Laptops. Cell Phones.
They're called Crazy Ants.
Invaders from Brazil and Argentina.
Could become a real serious thing.
Suppose you're tapping and clicking
away on your favorite social media,
and a mob of crazy social insects
attracted by the magnetic field
in your router or you cable box
get electrocuted and short circuit
your set up. No tv or internet.
No air conditioning. If they
got into your home circuits
and the refrigerator shut off,
no ice tea and your Bud Light
would be warm.
What would the consequences be,
if these socialistic invaders seeking sweets
commandeered millions of cell phones!
cut off all the tweets from reaching
a swath from Tulsa to Pensacola?
Marched on Sherman's path
from Atlanta to Savannah?
Marched on Sherman's path
from Atlanta to Savannah?
Might have to build a wall.
Round them up
and put them in Ant Farms.
And make Brazil and Argentina
pay for it. I, for one, plan to boycott
the tango and and the samba.
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