His voice is a dog fight
on the beverage aisle.
The security guy,
interrupts the text
he's writing to his lady,
tries to calm him.
the shabby guy
slams a twenty ounce
plastic Pepsi bottle
to the floor.
The pressure bursts
the seal of the cap
and the escaping jet of soda
spins the bottle like a pinwheel.
A small group of seniors
down from Chinatown
gather by the frozen vegetable case
whisper in Cantonese behind their hands
and watch the unfolding drama.
The store manager
comes out from the stockroom
to size up the situation
and tells the would be
Pepsi purchaser
to get out of his store.
The guy is growling
something about uranium
and anuses and the Gulf War.
Dumps a pillow case
filled with his clothes,
two dog-eared books,
and a roll of toilet paper
into the sticky puddle.
Happy? Are you happy now,
you son of a bitch?
I fought a war for you.
For this?
The store manager yells
get out of my store
and don't ever come back.
The guy stomps out of the store
leaving all his stuff behind.
The manager prods the pile
on the floor with the toe of his shoe
tells a stocker who has come over
from the produce section
to clean up the mess.
The books and clothes
and toilet paper go into
a hefty bag (on sale in aisle 6)
and after all the Pepsi is mopped up,
he puts out a yellow warning cone:
Caution - Wet Floor
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