I thought you said that miner
never found any gold. He didn’t. I did.
And you haven’t done anything with it?
What would I do with it
that wouldn’t destroy this place?
The mining companies? Isn’t this Indian land?
It is. Think that would stop them?
They could take it?
Not easily. They’d find a way to buy us off.
Nothing that would last more than a few years.
And for what? Cadillacs and swimming pools?
Are your people so easily bought off?
Are yours?
I don’t know, nobody has made the offer.
Would you take it?
I can’t even imagine what that would be like.
Did you ever imagine what you did today?
Never in a million years. I’m just worried
that I won’t be able to keep it.
Of course you can, it’s already happened.
This day belongs to you, it can’t be taken back.
I know, I know, but I want more days,
I want years, hours, minutes, a lifetime.
And perhaps you’ll have them.
But you only get them one at a time.
So right now you need to figure out
how to get tomorrow. Do you think
you can get it back in Bakersfield?
I don’t know. It’s dangerous. For both of us.
But I don’t know what else we can do, least ‘til
we have some way to get out of there.
What about your family? Or Henry’s?
I don’t know about Henry’s folks.
Mine live down in Teviston. Probably
won’t be real happy about me and Henry.
Why is that?
There was a boy, a man. We were engaged.
Yeah, never called it off officially, but he,
he was drafted and they sent him over to Korea.
Something happened over there and they
sent him back. And he ain’t the same
sweet boy who went over there.
He was wounded?
No, something happened to his head.
It’s like some part of his mind
didn’t come back with him.
War does that to some.
My folks keep praying that he’s going
to get better. They tell me that I got to be
patient and put my trust in Jesus.
So what you think they going to be like
if I show up with Henry?
What about you? Do you still love him?
I loved the boy who went away.
But you know, we were just kids. Never been anywhere
very far from Teviston. I know it’s not the big world,
Bakersfield and Cottonwood,
working in the hospital…. but I know that
I want something more than churning out
half a dozen kids and cooking eight kinds of pies.
So I don’t know. It might a been different anyway
even if he hadn’t come home the way he did.
Have you told Henry about him?
No. I figured I’d have to sooner or later, but the right time
just hasn’t come along. We only met yesterday. Seems like
a different lifetime though, Lordy, does it ever!
That’s because it was.
I guess it was.......how do you.......?
Oh I’ve had many lifetimes myself.
You mean before this one?
Does it matter?
Yes. No. I s’pose not.
He hands her a canvas bag with the cornbread.
Lifts a big cast iron pot with both hands off a table
built between two posts shoring up the mine.
Let’s go back inside, your young man
is probably wondering if we got lost.
The whole story is in order here: http://fractalremnants.blogspot.com/2014/11/the-bakersfield-story-whole-thing-in_17.html