Been just a day since the quake
and the ground keeps on shaking
so nobody’s sleeping real well.
Henry’s up before sunrise,
and down to the kitchen
where Elena has pulled
two loaves of bread out
of the oven filling the kitchen
with their comforting scent.
a pot of coffee lends it’s notes
to the nose teasing aromas.
Henry! What are you doing
up so early? Even the roosters
are still snoring. Never mind,
I can see by the look on your face
you’re up to no good. It’s that
little colored girl, ain’t it? Well
I warned you, you obviously
aren’t taking my advice, so
I’m gonna pray for you, son.
You’re going to need it.
Thanks. Can I grab a couple
slices of that bread to take
with me? I gotta run.
I think you need to take four.
There’s a hunk of cheese
in the ice box If you want.
Take some of those peaches.
Have a nice picnic or whatever
mischief you got planned.
I know I can’t stop you so
so I’ll just say, be respectful
‘cuz she’s still a woman, ok?
The sun’s coming up when
he gets to the hospital. Still
half an hour before the end
of her shift, so he circles
the block trying to figure
which way she’ll come out.
Most people are leaving from
the tents to the street out front
so he parks down the block
and waits. At five minutes past
seven, she comes out from
the tents, walks down the street.
Ruthie sees him and hesitates,
but she doesn’t stop until
she gets abreast of the car.
Hands on her hips, she says
This ain’t such a good idea.
It’s already cost me my job.
You got fired? Why?
Because of me? yeah. That’s
what she said. It’s improper
behavior. Why did she have to go
and do that? I haven’t done anything!
This might seem like a shit job to you,
but I was learning how hospitals work.
Someday I’m going to be a nurse, you hear?
You men coming after me are messing it up..
Well that’s true, from more than just me.
More than you know. You got a real nasty
problem name of Bobby and Gus.
Like what? -I’ll tell you the whole
story, but we need to get out of here
now before Bobby gets here.
Bobby? He’s the trouble? I shoulda known
he would be. How is Gus involved in it?
I’ll tell you the whole stinkin’ mess,
but we really do need to leave right now.
Okay, okay, I hear you. I’ve had enough
nonsense. I don’t have a job anymore,
not like I got something to lose.
Henry drives down two blocks
and turns onto a side street.
I think you should duck down
in the seat, let’s try not to attract
any attention. -In this thing? Ha!
Yeah, I know, but it can’t be helped.
She slouches down below the narrow
side window of the chopped coupe.
How do you see out of this car?
These windows are so small.
Why are they so low?
I’ll explain it later if you really
want to know, but it helps it
go faster. Don’t you want
to know about the situation
you’re in? Yeah, tell me. Is it
really true or are you just
givin’ me a line? -It’s no line.
You know what Bobby does
don’t you? Yeah. He’s a pimp
and a hustler. He keeps on
trying to turn me out. But I
ain’t gonna fall for his bullshit.
I’m sure that you wouldn’t.
But what he’s got in mind for you
don’t involve any persuasion.
I saw him last night working
a deal to sell you to Gus Smith.
For real? where’d you see that?
I was leaving the Lucky Spot,
you know that place out Edison?
Yeah, I’ve seen it many times,
but I’ve never been in. Go on.
-He had that big old Buick
parked down the street
in the shadows. Then Smith
got out of the car. He’d been in
there with Loretta. She was
real drunk. So Bobby asked
Smith if he was satisfied with
what he’d done with Loretta
and Smith said he wanted
somebody fresher. And Bobby
said he’d arrange it. The way
he described his new girl, it was
clearly you he was talking about.
He guaranteed that Smith could
do whatever he wanted to you.
And that’s something you don’t
want to experience. I think
Loretta has been put through
his sick filth plenty of times,
that’s why she was so drunk.
They’re meeting there tonight.
Bobby supposed to bring you
there for him. For a premium
price, he said, cuz you’re a
premium piece. Like you’re a
sixteen ounce porterhouse steak.
He offered me the same thing
a couple of hours before. He was
waiting for me at the hospital.
So what did you tell him?
I said you ain’t a whore and
I wasn’t interested in turning
you into one. Then he said
he’d find someone who would.
And that if I came round you
I’d be paying in blood.
So you decided to be my hero
again? Is that how it is? Take
care of the poor little colored
girl, cuz she can’t take care
of herself? That’s not it, it’s
just.... well maybe in the ER
th’other night, because I know
about Gus. And then Bobby
shopping you like some kind
of prize heifer. It just makes
me sick. You’re not a damn cow.
I know that’s how he sees
women. That’s how he treats
Loretta. It ain’t news to me.
He said it was time to
make you contribute, that
Loretta is too worn out.
That bastard. He’s the one
responsible for that. He’s
the one who used her up.
Yeah. That’s what she said.
You talked to her too?
Twice. When I went to pick
you up and then later. She
got into a fight with Bobby
about his plans and he took
off and left her to walk home.
I was in a doorway where they
couldn’t see me, so after they
left I talked to her. That’s
why I’m here. We figured
the best thing would be for
you to stay out of sight.
At least til after Bobby and
Smith do their meeting.
If you ain’t there, the whole
deal could go sour. I don’t
think either of them has
much trust in the other.
And it gives us some time
to figure out some way
to deal with the two of them.
Uh huh. You and Loretta
going to plan out my life.
Don’t I have any say in this?
I’m not some helpless child.
No you’re not. But how were
we supposed to involve you?
Just let Smith pay to rape you?
I mean, whatta you wanna do?
Okay. I understand. It’s just
how it feels, you and Loretta
making decisions about me.
It’s my life, you know? So what’s
you and my cousin’s brilliant
plan for saving poor little Ruthie?
I was thinking a picnic might be nice.
A picnic? Oh that’s rich. These dirty
fuckers dickering the price of my ass,
and your big idea is a picnic.
You’re a real funny boy, Henry.
You think so? -yeah, hilarious.
It’s not a dumb plan, we’ll be
out of town and out of sight.
You ever been up the Kern River?
No. never have. Is it nice?
Yeah. It’s real nice. That’s where
we’re going if it’s all right with you.
We’re out of town now, you can
sit up in the seat. That’s the mouth
of Kern Canyon straight ahead.
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