He called the oil company office from a pay phone at the train station,
the boss told him to come in after noon and expect to work late,
so he went home to the boarding house hoping to find something to eat,
a clean shirt, a warm bath, and a few hours sleep.
The old wood-framed house had ridden out the quake
with nothing much damaged but some of Elena’s
tea cup collection and commemorative plates.
His fellow roomers stood out in front drinking coffee
and shooting the shit, they all stopped talking
when Henry pulled up, hey Henry you okay?
called out Robert, the old Basque former shepherd
now boarding house owner, when he saw the stitches
and blood-stained shirt. Something fall on your head?
Nah, just a flying beer bottle up at Trout’s,
got it stitched at the hospital before the quake.
Well ain’t that some kind of luck.
Looks like you been runned over by a truck.
Want some coffee? Elena made a fresh pot,
might be some ham if these buzzards ain’t ate it all up.
Good. I’m hungry enough to eat the whole hog.
Elena gasped when he came in, what on earth?
It’s nothing, just a little scratch. might leave a scar,
real dashing you know, like a movie star pirate.
A scar? Henry you look just fine as you are.
Why Elena, I never knew you cared,
what ever will we tell Robert?
Oh shush, you know what I mean.
Yeah yeah. He said there’s some coffee? and ham?
Yes there is. Sit down at the table, I’ll fix you a plate.
I still got some bread and tomatoes if you want.
Grab a chair from the dining room and sit down here
in the kitchen. I wanna know what happened to you.
Here’s your coffee. want some sugar?
Two slices of sheepherders bread, a tomato
and some Basque style ham washed down
with a big of mug of sweet black coffee later,
he leaned back and sighed.
At least his belly was now satisfied.
Now that you’ve demolished that chow,
tell me what happened to you ?
where were you when the quake hit?
Across from the hospital, but this little scratch ain’t from that.
I see. You been out tomcatting around again?
Oh you know, just up at Trout’s trying to spend all my money
before monday morning. You know how it gets.
Yes I do. That’s why I don’t let Robert go out to those places,
he was always getting in scrapes.
I told him if he wanted to be with me,
he’d hafta stop all that foolishness.
Did he?
Mostly. after he lost a few teeth.
I’m sure he’s told you his glory stories.
So who or what hit you? some kind of fight?
I believe it was a bottle of Pabst
but it might have been Hamms.
It was brown and it smelled like beer.
There were a few old boys worse off than me,
so we went down to the hospital to get stitched.
I’d just left there when the quake hit.
That was hours ago. where you been since?
I had to give a ride to a girl who works at the hospital.
Gus Smith was givin’ her a real hard time.
That roughneck again? Good for you.
I’m sure she’s real grateful. Where does she live?
Out of town a ways.
Out of town? Whereabouts?
Cottonwood? there’s no one but colored out there.
So she’s a colored girl?
Henry, I don’t want to stick my nose in your business,
but you’re looking for trouble mixing with colored girls.
I just gave her a ride. It was Smith, you know what he did.
I know he’d a done it again if I hadn’t.
I ‘spose. But you be careful specially with you and his past.
I’ve lived in this town all my life and those men from up
in the oil fields.......
well, you don’t want to get on their bad side.
She unties her apron and hangs it beside the door.
turns round and says,
This town is not friendly to coloreds or whites who mix.
I know. But you know what?
They don’t even treat me like I’m white.
Fresno Indian. I’m pretty sick of hearing that.
You’re gonna hear worse if you fool around with that girl.
I just took her home and I’m givin’ her a ride tonight too.
There’s all kinds of rides, son. The one you’re fixin’ to ride,
could get you in more of a smashup than that jalopy you race around in.
That’s what people say about my car and I ain’t wrecked it yet.
I’m gonna take a bath and grab a few hours sleep.
Boss said we’re gonna be working late. Thanks for the breakfast.
Go on then. Just watch what you ride. This town isn’t like Frisco.
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