Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Catch

a voice out a nearby window
-did Betty White just die?

and the Russian girl next door
says something to her pit bull.
-he's frisky and bilingual

and the black and white
post war melodramas play out
on the post millennial screens.

am I like the jailor who
slides a tray of cardboard hope
with a side of
reconstituted mashed potatoes
under the cell door?

a leathery guy
inked from wrist to shoulder,
apparently a truck driver,
leans on his cane
on the weedy lawn downstairs.

he's all wound up about
some shit he's getting handed
by the company, the union
and the cops.

his voice gets smothered
under motor noise.
-the leasing authority
maintenance crew is busy
chopping off the heads of dandelions
on green and yellow riding mowers.

back in the dim bedroom
a back to back to back
show about the crab fishermen
in the icy Bering Sea
plays on and on all afternoon.

the catch is measured in
hundreds of thousands of tons,
a quota determined each season.
elsewhere -here in this room-
the crab has a quota of it's own