Tuesday, May 28, 2019


I saw a vulture
crouching over
some poor creature's 

mangled body
on Tamalpais Avenue

It flew up
as cars approached,
then quickly returned to it's task.

At noon today, 
the sirens cried
at 14th and Broadway

where a body shrouded
in a sleeping bag
stirred and moaned.

Two Downtown/Uptown
courtesy officers bent
and tried to get his name.

The pedestrians stepped around him
when the crossing signals
bleated go.

Words on the breeze

Sharp wind in the olives
that line Avenue H.

Do they catch
my whispered dreams?

The ones I send
up into the blue

to ride
the feathered clouds.

No one to harvest
the fruits these days

and their days
grow fewer,

the chain saws'
hungry maws await.

When the olives trees
are gone,

where will the branch
that offers peace be found?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Give us this day

Another day when I
haven't pecked a word
or snapped a shutter.


the pork chops
were excellent
and the eastern sky;


With just a snap
of my fingers
twelve years slipped,

and she,

who took me to
far places
and into her heart,

was gone.

If I were to blink,
would that take me
to the brink,

the dusk,

when we return
to the promised
ashes and dust,


I'll make the sauce
I've made a thousand

times before.

And serve it with joy,
seasoned with sorrow,
savor the moments

however brief,

blessed by Fortune
or Savior, I say,
Give us this day,

this day.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Decisions, decisions

The omelet or the crepes,
blue shoes or black.

Which name gets the ink
and which one does not.

Who gets two dollars
and who gets a nod.

The fork in the trail,
the fork in the road,

The fork for the salad
or the fork for the fish.

When to speak,
or still my tongue.

Aim the missile
or walk away.

Omelet, blue shoes,
Progressive, Larry

Salad fork, speak up,
Walk away.

An other me?

Were the shooting stars
I saw last night
just falling in my dreams?

The thought that I was sure
that I’d remember popping up
like a cork in a pond,
floating away instead.

Is this all a dream that
lives in someone else’s head,
Some guy who never left
Modesto or Nebraska.

And if I walked past him on the street,
would we exchange a glance,
a nod on the border of cognition
although our paths would never meet?
Is he on his way to rendezvous
with a lover as sweet as mine?

Or is that a dream of his
I’ve stolen like he has mine.
Is that jasmine I detect, -here?
or in some other land.

Does the echo of that song
I can’t quite remember,
the half that’s missing,
whisper in someone else’s ear

The hills are turning now
from green to blonde,
as the year always insists.
The church bells chime noon,

the children in the schoolyard
laugh and shriek at play
and perhaps the ones I never had
live somewhere else, far away.