Wednesday, February 20, 2019


I let love wither,
no water for the tree.
I could have,

- couldn't I?
Easier to think
that it wasn't just me.

And it wasn't, but,
neglect is as painful
as an ax, eventually.

I'm sorry.
Perhaps a scalpel
would have been kinder.


I ran off to the promised land
expecting a cactus flower
to bloom, found thorns instead.

I didn't hear her song,
the one she sang for me.
Somehow my mind

was elsewhere,
admiring the walls
or ceilings, I don't know.


I'm sorry once again
for the pain I inflicted
I stand convicted,

and the love I found
was taken from my very bed,
sudden, unexpected.

So now I beg
I promise to water

this new rose that grows
with love and trust
and faith, not tears.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

some thoughts on beauty

I hear a flock of crows cry
as they fly above
the Charles Schwab office
in the blackness of
the pre dawn sky.

Invisible from below,
black wings against
the starless black,
is it distress or discovery?
I can not know.

I stop and strain
to see them
but I can't and so
I return my gaze
to what's in front of me;

half a dozen bodies
shrouded in sleeping bags
lined up against the cyclone fence
protecting a construction site
at Main and Howard.

I had been struggling to consider
what beauty means to me,
is it places or faces,
some ineffable harmonies?
I can not know, although,

there are landscapes
that slow my heart
and a face that quickens it,
can the cries of hidden crows
fit somehow within it?

What of the men
and women hidden
in their sidewalk slumber,
what fills their hearts
with joy instead of sorrow?