Thursday, February 27, 2014

king james

i've got a paperback
king james i found

on a shelf between
the military histories

and jaqueline suzanne.

i wallow in isaiah and
console myself with psalms

and feast on the words:

lips and tongues and fire
bruises, hands, and wool.

stones. fingers. gold.
rivers of blood and wine.

swords and vengeance. lambs.
serpents, smoke and loaves.

desert roads and crowns.

beasts and vines and vows.

kings and locusts. bread.
cedars and oils and breasts.

lions and visions and shrouds.

the jackals and jezebels
beggars and thieves.

the faithful, unfaithful,
the promise of peace.

of course it's also a field guide

for what's transpiring
down the block

behind drawn curtains
and deadbolted locks:

the oaths and lust
and the coveting of

thy neighbor's wife.

i'm waiting to see
the four horsemen,

although i believe
they'll be driving

ford mustangs,
not riding steeds.


  1. Mark - one of your best! I really love it....Judith

    1. Thanks Judith, I've been trying to do something with something I saw last week, an old toyota with Tibetan prayer flags in the back window. Of course I couldn't help but think of your Plastic Jesus story. Nothing yet, but it's rattling around my noggin.

    2. Thanks Mark - see you manaƱa....
