Friday, January 16, 2015

free soup

The sign promised
lunchtime free soup
at the drive-in.

Karen and Richie
never showed up
later than twelve fifteen

lest they miss
the best bits and pieces
and have to settle

for pale salty broth.
Been kind of tough
since they followed

the sun out from
Des Moines, paying
for gas mostly in coin.

the first week they
were there, they got
a four day gig

delivering phone books.
when the motor
in the mini truck died,

they were stuck and
decided to thumb a ride
up the coast –Richie

had heard about a place
where the people
were supposed to be cool,

some old timber land
gone to brush, the new folks
were growing their own stuff,

kale and corn, runner beans,
pumpkins and such. a few
chickens and ducks.

they'd have to build
their own shelter,
there was plenty of scrap

left by the defunct
logging company.
meanwhile they could

rig up a tent, borrow
some tools, Richie had
worked construction

a few years before,
Karen could help in the garden
in exchange for a share

of the harvest. it sounded
real appealing, so they
left town early one morning

picturing themselves gleaning
a sweet life on the fat
of the land. took most

of the day, but by
late afternoon, they
walked down the rutted

driveway to a ramshackle
house built up against
the fifteen foot stump

of a tree. the hollow inside
had been lined with stones
to fashion a fireplace

and a chimney. ivy and wild
grape grew up the sides.
it had an air of the magical.

They knocked on the door
and a big aproned woman
opened it wide, invited them

to step inside, offered
a cup of nettle
and blackberry tea.

welcome to blackberry
ranch, she said. what
brings you here?

we heard this was
a cool place, and
we want to live here.

i see. what have you
brought to contribute?
i'm afraid we don't

have enough food
to just take you in,
do you have any money?

they dug through their
pockets and counted out
twenty four dollars

and thirty two cents.
that'll help said the woman
kindly. would you like

some more tea?
yes please, it's really good,
thank you. It's been a long

day, I'm suddenly feeling
very sleepy, Karen said.
Richie was yawning too.

soon they were dreaming
of sunny meadows and
children dancing around

maypoles, with garlands
of daisies woven into
their hair.

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