Friday, September 2, 2016

Flying Saucers

I didn't have a Frisbee 
in 1963.

They were still called
the Pluto Platter.
and not well known.

But I liked to sling the lids
of Folgers Coffee cans,

being careful
not to slice a finger
on the edge.

One day I sailed one
across the street.

Just as a kid
from up the block
rode by on his Schwinn.

He had a flat top haircut
stiffened up with butchwax.

The lid skimmed 
right across his hair
and landed on

the fighter jet captain's lawn
across the street.

The kid never saw it coming.

Just ran his hand across his hair
as if he'd been buzz bombed
by a sparrow.

Three years later I was earning
a couple dollars a week cutting lawns.

1 comment:

  1. Oh...sorry - didn't comment on this...since I hadn't read it...yeah - a narrow escape....
