Monday, June 18, 2018


The heresies and faith
I mumble under my breath,
the debris that's left
after nightmare's theft,

the horrors and fantasies
siphoned off the screens
of many sizes,
the screams so easily

muted with a thumb
on the touch screen
or remote. What are they
looking at or for?

What need what fear what whimsy
lives at the intersection
of who am I and what for?
Ask the eyes and ears

of satellites looking down at us
from heights somewhat
closer to the ground
than God was ever found.

I heard a beautiful soprano
singing out a window over
the 7-11 on Main. The one
next to the Taco Bell

where the doorway sleepers
look to score the remains
of half eaten burritos
or the last sips of a Coke.

My lighter was expired
and I must always have
my own personal, portable,
source of fire,

so I went inside
to get a new Bic to flick,
the color doesn't matter,
red or green or blue

as the pixels on my phone.
Lit up a classic Camel
as I passed the park
where the alien parrots

whirled from tree to tree
screaming their joys
-or jealousies
on this gray June morning.

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