Sunday, December 1, 2013


she's screaming on the phone
about big flags and black swimming pool water
because jimmy's late again with the child support.

because he had to make a payment on his bass boat.

susie throws her mentholated newport butt
into the pool and washes down another oxy
with the last ounce of her lukewarm bud.

jimmy says he's got some free firewood
and a recliner he picked up on the curb
and a kitten for alison and brandon if she wants it.

just get me the money, i saw that goddamned
rebel flag you're flying on your truck, you lowlife fuck
the bill for it was on my credit card, and two hundred
rounds of ammo for your bushmaster.

and this swimming pool, you promised to get it drained.

hey wait a goddamned minute, susie, why don't you ask
that greasy motel manager you've been fucking?
instead of giving him your ass for free.

i'm sick of paying for his pony ride on the susie merry-go-round

what are you talking about, jimmy?
merry-go-round? you got a lot of nerve.

oh yeah? brandon told me what he saw, you gave
that greasy asshole a trip around the world on the floor
of the fucking living room while the kids were there

no way, jimmy, i never done anything while they were home
brandon's just making shit up cuz he don't like randy.
he an allison were at mom's all day.

no he wasn't, he an allison snuck back over and looked in the window
and eight-year olds couldn't make up the shit he saw you pullin.

well whatta you care jimmy? you don't do anything for those kids
'cept buy them crap and make promises you never keep.
you broke their hearts way more than i ever have.

i'll try and get you something monday,
j.d. owes me for that thing last week

i don't give a shit what j.d. owes you jimmy,
just get me the money, ok? click.

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