Friday, September 27, 2019


The Sunday crows conversed
in the crowns of the sequoias.

Below, a polyglot of awe-filled
comments filled the spaces
under the giants.

Global visitors whispering
at the back of a cathedral.

A little girl said,
Is he in heaven…
No honey…
but he’s in the sky isn’t he…
… look there’s a rainbow.

It wasn’t a rainbow.
It was a sundog,
A rainbow ring around the
zenith of the noon day sun.

A tiny streamlet filtering
through moss, a fairy Niagara
ttrickled and giggled her secrets.

I probably spoke too much.
I wept. I laughed.
I thumped a heartbeat
on the resonant bark
Of an ancient redwood.

Tuesday morning my throat
fought back. Sore and tight,
even for a sip of water.

Wednesday, long before the dawn
I woke, hot with fever.

I went out to the porch
Seeking a moment
of cooling breeze

and saw the crisp crescent
sliver of the waning moon.

Two days of silence, aspirin,
and honey.
Two days of the DC circus.

When I went to the local store
to buy some orange juice
and throat lozenges

I found that I had been
transformed into a frog.
Croaking out, good afternoon
and thank you.

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