Monday, November 3, 2014

thoughts in the tub (7)

Taking a bath down
the boarding house hall,
soaking and drifting off
into the twilight between

watching the ceiling and dreaming,
he sees a petite, brown ballerina
turning atop an old fashioned
wind-up music box,

her dress fanning out
like a parasol
from a wasp slender waist
revealing dance sculpted legs.

He remembers the moment
she took off the kerchief
that covered her pixie cut hair
with bangs fringing her brow,

the look of her delicate ears.
and the way her eyes melted
to chocolate from stone
when she looked into his own.

aftershock magnitude 3.7
sends a ripple through the tub

Pouring a kettle of hot water
to warm up the four gallons of cool
she’s already poured in,
Ruthie remembers the feel

of his arm cross her shoulders,
the warmth of his hand on her arm.
and his mess of dark curls
spilled like a bowl of spaghetti

on top of his head.
his wire framed glasses
that failed to hide those
warm puppy dog eyes, 

–that’s probably what did her in–
but damn it, she’d tried
to put him out of mind. besides,
the way he brandished that mop,

poked it right in the chest
of that asshole. had to be some
kind of decent man to do that,
didn’t he? and she’s glad
he isn’t too tall, ‘cuz she
barely comes up to his chin,
she could tuck in real nice
with her hands on his back,

and his on her waist...
she blushes as a flood rushes
to southerly regions
that haven’t been visited since

....the last time that well
had been plumbed.
her bath has gone cool
as she’s fooled with the fancy

that she can mess with a guy
like this Henry. Besides.
he moves like he’s put together
with tinker toy joints

and rubber bands.
be best if he’s out of mind.
she’s sure she can do it,
but it won’t hurt to see him

when he comes round
to get her tonight, will it?
she steps out of the galvanized
tub, grabs a towel,

asks her cousin Loretta
if she’ll hot comb her hair.
Loretta gives her a lifted
eye brow and examining stare.

I hope you ain’t fixin’ to do
what I think you are, girl.
there’s nothin’ but heartache
for sale in that store.

I made up your cot,
now you best get some sleep
and don’t even try tellin’ me no lies,
-cuz I see what you got,
in those dreamy eyes.

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